Custom Order Inquiry
Use the link to submit a custom order request. Custom requests are submitted via email.
You can also email us directly at
Include "Custom Order" in the email subject line
Custom Order : Honey Wall Art
Please be specific with the custom request.
For different projects that aren't listed on the shop, please provide reference images, exact words needed, the font you'd like, etc. The better description of the custom order, the quicker we can finish the product.
Custom color adjustments on Shop and Gallery items have no extra charge.
Usable Materials:
Plywood up to 6 mm (1/4 inch) Cut / Shade / Outline
Hardwood up to 6 mm (1/4 inch) Cut / Shade / Outline
Leather Cut / Shade / Outline
Cardboard Cut / Shade / Outline
Acrylic up to 6 mm (1/4 inch) Cut / Shade / Outline
Plexiglass up to 6 mm (1/4 inch) Cut / Shade / Outline
Glass (flat faced containers, sheets) Shade / Outline